Each family member can have their own page (or post which could have links to separate pages) which they can add, or have an administrator add for them. The idea is to add information regarding what you would like to the other family members to know about you. There can be multiple pages with pictures, documents, etc. included. Space and time are limited, so one can’t make this a place for a photo album of your life.
There will be a need to establish a menu system to find members, possibly like this site.
Also, in any case, there will be a search feature whereby one could type Mike and see two choices, or Mike J or Mike M and zero in on the correct person immediately.
Whatever system(s) are incorporated, they will be on this page with a link to the person’s page. However, there may be another way to make this easier. Since we also have the family.vanschoiack.us site, perhaps we could create a site that family members enter their content by filling out forms, and the other site that are used to create pages and/or posts. All posts and pages have URLs that can be linked by other sites or even to facebook.
What you already created conveys a lot of information in a clean and neat manner. It is intact on family.vanschoiack.us. I’m doing this as a basis to consider going further with it. I think we make everyone aware of what you’ve put together – maybe you have already.
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